

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism

Ram Dass

Spiritual teacher and the author

Dr. Vishaka Desai

Former President of the Asia Society

David R. Brower

Chairman of the Earth Island Institute, USA, eminent and renown environmentalist

Dr. Robert Mueller

Former Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations

Dr. Ismail Serageldin

Vice President, Environmentally Sustainable Development, World Bank

J. R. D. Tata

Indian Industrialist

Michael Murphy

Founder of Esalen Institute

Sir Mark Tully

Journalist, author and Bureau Chief of the BBC, New Delhi

M. S. Swaminathan

Scientist, researcher

Margaret Mead

World-renowned anthropologist

Indian Government

Ram Nath Kovind

President of India

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

Indira Gandhi

Former Prime Minister of India

P.V. Narasimha Rao

Former Prime Minister of India, and Minister for Human Resource Development

His Excellency Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Former President of India

Dr. Karan Singh

Former Cabinet Minister, Member of the Rajya Sabha, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation

P. Shiv Shankar

Former Minister for Human Resource Development, India

International Advisory Council

Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of India, Chairman.

Mr. Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow

Former Director General of UNESCO

Mr. J.R.D. Tata

Indian Industrialist, Chairman Emeritus Tata & Sons, Member.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

Founder and President the Club of Budapest

Snr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Former Director General of UNESCO

Mr. Bertrand Schneider

Former President of the Club of Rome

Mr. Maurice Strong

Former Under Secretary General of the United Nations, Convener of the Stockholm Conference on the Environment

Dr. Amartya Sen

Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Nobel Prize winner for Economics 1998

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne

Founder and President of the Sarvodaya Shramadana movement in Sri Lanka and former winner of the Gandhi Peace Prize

Ms. Mary King

Former head of the Peace Corps under President Carter, Professor at United Nations affiliated University of Peace and at the American University in Washington;

Mr. Kireet Joshi

Former Educational Advisor to the Government of India

Prof. Norman Myers

Honorary Visiting Fellow at Green College, Oxford University, and well-known consultant in environment and development.